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This script was built from scratch using new technologies and frameworks. The chat system has been designed with a unique and amazing style, featuring unlimited emojis and great animations. The chat also includes the ability to create more than 20 private chats for any permission you want, such as for senior administration, gangs, the black market, and sectors, etc. For example, you can offer the option in the gang package to create a private gang chat that is entirely separate. Additionally, new features are available for both administrators and players, such as: enabling/disabling the chat, clearing the entire chat, muting a player, unmuting a player, teleporting to a player who sent a message, pulling a player who sent a message, and for all players, the ability to send a private message to another player, visible only to the selected player. All of these features are separate for each chat, so if you clear the general chat, for example, the private chats will remain unaffected.

29 USD/Lifetime

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