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The M3LM team has shown an extraordinary level of creativity in this project. There isn't just one form of the menu; instead, there are more than 200 functions available in the menus. Every player on the server can customize the options in the menus according to their preferences. They can also change buttons and colors, and these changes will only apply to that specific player. Once a player customizes their options, they are saved permanently, even if they leave the server or a disaster occurs. You can control all functions from the config file, and you can add an unlimited number of functions, fully integrated with logs. There are eight menus, which are:

  • Administration Menu
  • All available commands in the administration menu: Spawn a vehicle Give a ban Monitor a player Unmonitor a player Unban a player Kick a player Flight mode Activate a player Revive all Change clothes Admin jail Release from admin jail Teleport to a player Pull a player Remote revive Teleport to a point Teleport to coordinates Hire Food and drinks Delete all vehicles Clear chat entirely Mute a player Unmute a player Enable/disable chat Hide everything on the screen Hide everything for a specific player Send a message to all players Send a photo to all players Coordinates Revoke rank Remote handcuff Handcuff and pull remotely Take an item Clear a player's inventory Clear all players' inventories Take clothing Fill nearby players' blood Supply nearby players with gear Take money Give weapons Add an object for the administration Repair a vehicle Move players Start a timer
  • Security Departments Menu
  • All available commands in the security departments menu: Restrain a player Search a vehicle Issue a fine Force exit Force entry Receive gear Pull a player Carry a player on the back Deactivate Jail a player Release a player from jail Seize weapons Search a bag Seize contraband
  • Citizens Menu
  • All available commands in the citizens menu: Open a bag Empty a bag How much is available Give money Send a message Clear a vehicle Rent a bike Bank money transfer
  • Events Menu
  • All available commands in the events menu: Freeze movement Give a shield Give an item Give health Give event money Give cash to a player
  • Gangs Menu
  • All available commands in the gangs menu: Store weapons Wear a shield Carry a player Unlock weapon storage Cover the face Wear a mask Take a hostage Seize items
  • Civil Sectors Menu
  • All available commands in the civil sectors menu: Fill health Revive a citizen Revive yourself Carry a player on the back Force exit Force entry
  • Packs Menu
  • All available commands in the packs menu: Wear a shield Eat and drink Carry a player Force exit Force entry

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