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Frequently Asked Questions

How to create a new account

You can easily create a new account by visiting the login page. Enter the required information, then confirm your email to complete the registration process.

How to purchase a new product/service

To purchase a new product or service, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Products/Services page.
2. Choose the product or service you want.
3. Add it to the cart.
4. Complete the payment process.
After that, you will find the purchased product or service in the Products and Services page within the Settings and Account Center.

What payment methods are available?

We offer several payment methods, which you can find on the payment page. Available payment methods include:
- Bank cards (e.g., VISA and MasterCard)
- Digital wallet
- Bank transfer
- Cryptocurrencies
- Cash payment

How can I manage my products or services?

You can manage your products or services via the Settings and Account Center page, where you can view the details of the products and services and use them through the customer control panel.

Validity of products and services

Products are available in two types:
1. Subscription
2. Lifetime Purchase
The purchase options vary depending on the product. It may be available as a subscription only, lifetime purchase only, or both to facilitate the purchase process.

How to contact us

To contact us, you can use the available methods on the Contact Us page.

How to contact support and customer service

To contact the technical support and customer service team, you can use the available methods on the Support page.

What is the balance or wallet system?

The balance or wallet system allows you to add funds to your account to use for purchases or send funds to other users. You can benefit from it by making a one-time payment and purchasing multiple times, sending gifts, or receiving gifts from us.

How can I top up my wallet balance?

You can top up your balance by visiting the balance top-up page and choosing the package that suits you.

What is the profile system?

The profile system allows you to create a unique profile that you can publish and be recognized. The profile includes information such as account picture, username, full name, country, account creation date, badges, and your account ID. You can control the profile information through the Privacy and Profile Settings page.

Can I disable or control my profile?

Yes, you can disable or control your profile through the Privacy and Profile Settings page. You can disable the profile, set conditions on it, modify visible information, or customize it entirely.

Can you check the status of our systems?

Yes, you can monitor the status of our systems in detail through the Systems Status page.

Can you join us?

Certainly, you can apply for available jobs through the Careers page. If you believe you have the right qualifications for any open position, you can apply directly.